Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Notes about April, 1945 (Part 1 of 3)

As I promised in my notes at the end of March, April 1945 was quite the explosive month!  The many months of planning, fortifying their positions, and deceiving the enemy as to troop movements and whereabouts paid off.  The men of the 757th Tank Battalion, along with the 85th, 88th, and 34th infantry division mobilized like they had never before, and began the northward march. 

I've decided to split up my analysis of April into three sections for numerous reasons.  First, I don't have the time to do all of the necessary research for the month of April, work nine hours a day, and spend time with my beautiful wife all at the same time.  Second, notice that Vernon was able to describe the month of March in a little bit over two journal pages.  April is 14 jam-packed journal pages.  And third, there are several

Monday, March 8, 2010

April 1, 1945 - April 30, 1945


1.) Easter Sun. 6th day here. Went to Mass + Comm. this a.m. but no confession.
2.) Mon. 7th day with Asslt. Red Cross girl came here today with doughnuts.
3.) Tues. 8th day with Asslts. Received picture of D. Spiltz today.
4.) Wed. 9th day with Asslt. Wrote a letter to D. Spiltz.
5.) Thurs. 10th day with Asslts. Should get relieved today but didn’t.
6.) Fri. 11th day with Asslts. Should get relieved today for sure. Got relieved this morning was back at camp by noon at Loiano
7.) Loiano. Artillery went up big barrages tonite at 10:30 to 11. It wasn’t an attack just time on target shooting
8.) Loiano. Another barrage went over tonite same as last nite. Soon the summer offensive will begin + its supposed to be the biggest ever staged in Italy yet. It is said the skies will be black with planes + artillery barrage will be bigger than ever. Reason for such an offensive is that they don’t want another Cassino episode or stalemate.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

757th Tank Battalion - Medical Detachment

This is a picture of the 757th Tank Battalion - Medical Detachment.

Vernon's hand-written inscription on the back reads:

Med. Det. 757 Tk. Bn. (L.)

Taken Feb. 26 - 1953

Reading front row,

left to right

1. Leo Palucki