Monday, March 1, 2010

January 1, 1945 - January 31, 1945

Journal A

[Inside Front Cover:]
“Property of Vernon Hoschette Med. With 757 Tank Batt.”
First Page:
I owe
John Grove – 2.20 for ticket at the bar pd.
Wenjant - $3.00 pd.
Seif - $10.00 5.00 pd
Banicki – 5.00
Banicki - $20.00
Seifert - $5.00
Banicki - $50.00 pd
Banicki - $67.00 pd
Olav 10.00


1.) At front with B. Co. Was relieved at 7:30 p.m. today. Went back to kitchen over mule track of 2 miles + slept there outside without any cover. Snowed a little during nite but slept warmer / had feather tech under me + slept in army sleeping bag.
2.) Relieved from front + went to Bn. Area at Loiano. Few shells came over while going thru town. Arrived about 3:30pm.
3.) Loiano. Had air raid tonite. Could see Jerry plane but it wasn’t shot down.
4.) Loiano. Expect to stay all winter
5.) Loiano.
6.) Loiano.
7.) Battalion is still biv. At town of Loiano
8.) Loiano
9.) Loiano
10.) “
11.) “ Snowed today
12.) “ Start of Russian winter. Offensive 250 miles to Berlin
13.) Loiano. Bn. Was officially relieved from front today + are not attached to anyone. A + C. companys [sic] still on line + expect to return to area in a couple days. Assualt guns will remain on line probably all winter.
14.) Loiano – Rumors have it we may move to rear area for month or so to reorganize. Tank Bn. Has been on the line now about 290 days. B. Co, alone has about 120 days in succession on the line + was relieved on Jan. 2. After being on line since Sept. 5th. Snowed again today.
15.) At Loiano. Has shelled this morning + afternoon. One over head air burst rather close this am. None of the shells were in immediate area + nobody was hurt. It started about 11:a.m. Saw show today “The Princess + The Pirate” with Bob Hope.
16.) Loiano.
17.) Loiano. – Was shelled today off + on all day but none landed close to our area to do any harm. At 5:17 P.M. today Warsaw fell + also Cracow was taken. Russians said that 300 hrs. after Warsaw fell they would be in Berlin which would be about Jan. 29. Also shelled after dark to no avail.
18.) Loiano. Few shells came in but not close.
19.) Loiano.
20.) Loiano. Russians 190 miles from Berlin
21.) Loiano. Few shells came in but not close. A. Co. came back tonite.
22.) Shelled today + one landed among 91st inf. men behind us. No doubt somebody got hurt as it was so close to tent. Still at Loiano. Russians 165 from Berlin. 2 men killed + 5 hurt from shell. Bn. Has no casualties for month of Jan. Saw show tonite. Heddy Lamarr in “The Conspirators.”
23.) Loiano – Shelled again today but not to [sic] close + nobody was hurt. Plumer left today.
24.) Loiano – Russians 145 miles. New C.O. today.
25.) Loiano – Russians 125 miles.
26.) Loiano – Russians 105 miles.
27.) Loiano – Russians 90 miles. Less than 2 hour ride to Berlin.
28.) Loiano Russians 68 miles…
29.) Loiano
30.) Loiano. Had an air raid tonite no damage done.
31.) Loiano. Germans say in 8 days they will decide [his emphasis] if Germany falls or not. Received battle star for Rome.

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